178 - Biltmore Golf CourseCamillus House, Inc.
Biltmore Golf Course
4 Greens fees 1 Foursome for golf 18 holes
2 Electric carts for golf 18 holes
Value $700
Donated by: The City of Coral Gab
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (490.00) = 490.00
90 - La Vie StudiosCamillus House, Inc.
Gift certificate for a one-hour portrait photography session with La Vie Studios. We created La Vie Studios on the promise that we’ll put our
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 240.00
107 - Caribe RoyaleCamillus House, Inc.
Gift certificate for three days two-night stay with breakfast for two
Beautifully appointed, all-suite guest rooms are designed to offer a peaceful re
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 240.00
80 - Thesis Hotel MiamiCamillus House, Inc.
Gift Certificate for a two-night stay and breakfast. Set in the treasured Miami neighborhood of Coral Gables, directly across the street from the reno
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 220.00
121 - Creme De La MerCamillus House, Inc.
Creme De La Mer 3.4 oz Moisturizing Cream. 6,000 experiments and 12 years of searching led to the epiphany of a lifetime – a fermentation pr
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (300.00) = 300.00